
Right on top of things, eh?

Yep. Here we are again, friends. To paraphrase Laure Cortese's blog, I started this thing to stay in touch with you all about what's going on musically, but I've spent more time doing the "musically" and no time at all keeping this up. .....We interrupt this meaningless babble for a public service announcement.....

[We will have a mini-session tonight at Old Songs: 7:30-9:00 PM, as only three of you have expressed an interest in coming, and one of you really wants to go to Saratoga for a session. See you later? I have no plans for tunes right now, but I'm thinking about a few reels. If we're a small enough group, maybe we'll try something really dead slow by ear.

Tip of the month: Bring an audio recorder.]

If this had been an actual useful piece of information, you would have heard Irish music in the background....we now return to our regularly scheduled meaningless babble....

The nice thing is that so many of you are doing so many musical things yourselves that I'm kind of enjoying the e-mail updates! Saw Fritz and Jen at Old Songs and they said busking at the Ithaca Irish Festival a couple of weekends ago was "interesting." I'll let them tell you why. All I can say is that we're relieved the concertina survived unscathed!

Just got befriended up with Dave on myspace. He's quite prolific and entertaining. Can't wait for him to get hooked up with Atavan so he can perform on stage! I'll post his myspace address here soon so you can enjoy his sense of mad brilliant humour...

Leanne is dancing and playing her way all over the damn state! Look out for her on the big stage soon. If you don't see her on the stage, chances are she'll be in front of the stage if you check out her facebook page!

David P. is playing up a storm, too, and has some very nice tunes. We had a nice chat at Old Songs. Let's go over Jerry's Beaver Hat again this week, eh?

Karen says she feelin' rusty, George is in NYC, and we won't see my-man-Jeff because he's crazy busy at work. Elaine is out o' town traveling. Eric is going to go home and practice tonight, as he'll be performing at a Celtic concert with a bunch of BSO folks on August 6 in a concert in Curtisville, MA!

That's the news in my world. Tell me what's going on in yours!

The Trad

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